Credit Card as a Financial Ally: Simple Tips!


Credit cards can be a good ally for our savings. Although it is true that it is responsible for a large part of default of Brazilian families, it is also true that it can be a useful way to save a few days for actual payments.

In fact, the credit card can be both the villain and the hero of our personal finances. It all depends on how you use it. Lack of control over spending and not paying the card bill can become a burden and disrupt your financial life.


However, when you have everything well planned out, all your expenses calculated and all your bills paid, credit cards can be a good friend for balancing your cash flow.

With this in mind, we've put together some tips on how to make your credit card useful in your day-to-day life.


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Postponing credit card payments

One of the great advantages of a credit card is that you can defer payments from 10 to 40 days. In other words, when we use the card on day 1, we only pay that amount on the day of payment on the credit card bill.

Saiba como tornar o cartão de crédito um bom aliado financeiro
Postponing credit card payments - Source: Consumidor Positivo

The credit card payment date is chosen by everyone, which makes the calculation easier, since the choice is usually made based on the day the salary is received.

This way we can be sure that the money to pay the full amount of the bill will be available on that date.

And that's why the card can be very useful in regulating cash flow. The most important thing is that you have discipline and that your expenses are calculated correctly. Of course, there may be an unforeseen event or two and we may end up spending more.

In these cases, the credit card is always welcome, but knowing that you have room to pay the full amount of the bill the following month.

Interest-free loan

You could say that a credit card becomes an interest-free loan when the bill is paid in full. In other words, you only pay when the bill arrives, on the date of your choice, but the money can be used beforehand.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, you don't need to have the full amount on the day of purchase. The only thing you need to think about is whether the money is in the account on the day the bill is paid.

It is recommended that the selected payment date for the card bill is the day after you receive your salary.

In this case, you don't need to apply for a short-term loan or use an overdraft service. The credit card solves the situation and the debt will be paid off next month.

Another advantage is that you can use the money available in the account to invest and use the money from the credit card.

Since we don't pay interest if we pay the bill in full, we can earn the money for at least a month and benefit from the interest on the investments. Although it's not a fortune, it is money.

Postpone payment for purchases for a few more weeks

Another aspect to take into account is the closing date of the invoice and the due date.

It's important to know: the day after the invoice is closed, all purchases made with the card will arrive on the following month's invoice.

This will give you a few days' pay on top of 30 days, which can go up to 40 days. This time off can be useful in certain cases and, when used wisely, can earn you a few dollars.

The due date is the date on which the bill must be paid in order to avoid being charged interest. We recommend that bills are always paid on the day the account is closed, before the due date.

Greater control of your finances

Postponing an invoice allows you to direct your costs to one day of the month. When this happens, we have much better control over our bills. It's a one-off expense that allows effective control.

It's a good idea to take advantage of the time available on your card to make a secure investment. No matter how small your investment, it always produces something and these values add up.

As we can see, the credit card is not the only villain in our personal finances. It can be a way of earning money and benefiting from its use.

In everything, we need to know how to plan our costs well and look for the best investments. In addition to the benefits offered by the card, such as earning miles, loyalty programs and discounts!

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