Is it worth getting credit for plastic surgery? See Now!


Planning is necessary for plastic surgery procedures. For example, the ideal time for the operation must be reconciled with your schedule and availability, taking into account the recovery period.

This is not a decision to be made on the spur of the moment, but it is advantageous for people who need to plan financially to pay for the procedure.


Having large sums at once can be a burden on the family budget. However, as with all forms of investment, not only clinics but also financial institutions have started to provide solutions to this problem.

That's why today there are a variety of financing options for cosmetic surgery. The options range from simple installments directly with the clinic to bank loans to cover the total cost of the procedure. Let's find out more.


Image: BomConsórcio

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5 considerations about financing cosmetic surgery

Choose a competent doctor over a high salary

First of all, the method of payment should not influence the selection of a doctor. This is because it is common knowledge that some specialists drastically lower their prices to attract patients, but it is essential to pay attention to the quality of the service.

You can and should consult several surgeons before undergoing surgery, but don't let your wallet speak louder than your desire for a competent specialist.

Before looking for payment options, it is also important to consider the financial institution that will carry out the transaction.

It would be pointless to invest only in your health and jeopardize your finances, wouldn't it? The patient must prepare financially to pay for the surgery with peace of mind and avoid the procedure becoming a nightmare. So prepare well before surgery.


Clinics can offer patients installments or even loans to clear their accounts.

Some providers will accept partial payment in cash and the rest in installments. The number and amount of payments vary from clinic to clinic.

Financing and partnership

Since January 2009, when regulations came into force allowing the use of consortium letters of credit to pay for any kind of service, consortiums have also become an alternative for financing plastic surgery.

Patients can use the credit lines and consortia offered by the banks. Caixa offers consigned loans for surgical purposes.

Bradesco, on the other hand, offers the Plastic Surgery CDC, which makes it possible to finance up to 70% of the total amount in 48 months. Banco do Brasil offers BB Crediário, which offers up to R$ 10,000 payable in up to two years.

Attention: Consortium companies should not recommend their clients to doctors or clinics. A 2008 resolution by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) prevents doctors from seeing patients referred by this type of company.

Associated operations

The cost of the operation can potentially be reduced by doing concomitant procedures. Because different operations are performed during the same operation, the patient will have fewer medical expenses and will only have one recovery. Not all operations can be performed simultaneously.

To find out more, I suggest reading our essay on Associated Plastic Surgeries.

Be careful when selecting a doctor

Here are some more guidelines for selecting a qualified specialist, which is undoubtedly the most important.

The doctor must obtain the title of Specialist in Plastic Surgery from the Society Brazilian Plastic Surgery.

The operation must take place in a hospital with a surgical center approved by Anvisa.

Referrals from friends and acquaintances increase the security of the selection.

Having a good chat with the surgeon is, of course, vital for confidence; after all, your body is at risk.

In our article entitled "How to choose a plastic surgeon", you'll find other vital tips.

Would you like to have plastic surgery in Joinville? Then contact us and make an appointment! And to keep up to date with more information, subscribe to the Boa Plástica blog.

Image: No Money

How to get financing for plastic surgery

Conditions may vary depending on the clinic you select for your surgery, as each company may have different policies.

Aware of the high demand for medium- and long-term payments, however, most large clinics offer other forms of installment payment, such as boleto bancário or credit card.

In addition, alternative ways of financing plastic surgery can be made available through partnerships with financial institutions.

In this case, the entire operation is carried out and authorized by the competent financial agent and, as such, is subject to special regulations. Both the interest rate and the payment options are flexible.

If your budget requires, for example, cheaper tuition, even if it means a longer period of time to pay the installments, this is probably the most attractive alternative so that plastic surgery doesn't become a problem.

Obviously, everything will depend on the relationships that the clinic in question has, so this should also be taken into account in your initial consultations. So don't hesitate to ask about the clinic's payment policies.

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