High-value loans: Where and how to get them? Check it out!


It's quite common for people who need funds to set up a business or pay off debts to have doubts about how to acquire a high-value loan.

There is complexity and difficulty on the part of lenders when it comes to releasing large sums. The larger the loan, the greater the likelihood of default.


However, obtaining credit is feasible, but requires evaluation and attention to specifics. Check it out below!

Read also: How to access a Bcredi loan - Step by step!


How do I get a large loan?

But how do you get a high-value bank loan? First of all, you need to assess your current financial situation, as it is essential that you can afford the loan installments.

This is because we are discussing a large loan which, in the event of default, could become a substantial debt.

Determine the amount you need: a loan of R$ 25,000? A loan of R$ 40,000? Or perhaps a loan of R$ 150,000?

You should then investigate the wider possibilities on the market and the various types of loans available today.

When applying for a large loan, it is imperative that you are in a stable financial position. Otherwise, your loan application is likely to be denied.

Find out where to get a high-value loan

Any loan application requires a lot of care and study. So it would be the same for a high-value loan. You should investigate potential employers and select the one with the most favorable payment terms.

Most financial institutions and banking correspondents now offer online simulation.

This way, you can estimate the total amount of debt, as well as the monthly payments and interest rates.

In some of these simulations, if the consumer has pre-approved credit, the contracting process can be completed immediately.

However, you need to be very careful and vigilant: don't take out the loan on the first simulation; instead, look for other banks and institutions and examine the terms on offer.

Types of high-value loans available

There are already a variety of high-value loan options available on the market. Therefore, you should learn about each of them in order to choose the one that will suit you best. Check it out!

Personal loans:

Personal loans are the most prevalent type of credit. In fact, their interest rates are the highest on the market today.

This is due to the fact that the customer's credit history is assessed to determine whether or not approval is achievable. As a result, there is no guarantee of payment, making the process dangerous for lenders.

Those with a decent credit score are usually approved quickly and the funds are deposited in a maximum of two working days.

Secured loan:

There is also the secured loan, which attracts attention because of its lower interest rates and longer repayment period.

This is because an asset is given as a guarantee of repayment, usually a vehicle or property. For this reason, it is often sought out by clients looking for a large loan.

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In analysis, with the collateral provided, the lender faces a lower chance of default and can therefore release a large sum at a low interest rate.

Payroll loans:

Payroll loans are one of the options with low interest rates and unique terms.

In short, payments are taken directly from the benefit or salary, thus guaranteeing payment to the financial institution.

However, it is available exclusively to beneficiaries of the INSSState employees and employees of private companies.


In financing, the funds must be used for a predetermined purpose. For example, if you want to know how to get a large bank loan to buy a house, this is an alternative.

For this reason, the property is often used as a guarantee of payment; as a result, prices can be favorable, although they vary depending on the organization.

Check the interest rates

Before taking out any loan, regardless of the method chosen, it is essential to check and calculate the interest rates.

To do this, it's worth carrying out simulations on the internet, as many businesses already offer platforms that make this type of activity possible.

Here's a complement: the higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate.

Therefore, at this stage, study the options available and, if feasible, opt for an interest-free loan, such as a payroll loan or a secured loan.

Also, analyze the IOF rates and, consequently, the Total Effective Cost (CET) of your loan.

Apply for a high-value loan

Now that you've completed all the necessary steps, including a comparison of the available loans, it's time to finalize the deal by sending in the contract request.

Today, some financial institutions and banking correspondents allow the entire loan process to be done online.

However, if you prefer, you can apply for the loan in person at the bank.

After completing the application, you will be subjected to a subsequent credit examination where various elements, including:

  • Credit history;
  • Score with credit agencies
  • Having or not having a bank account;
  • This monthly income will serve as a guarantee of payment.

As you want a large loan, the study will be exhaustive, and each of the factors mentioned will have a direct impact on the interest to be paid.

Does it make sense to take out a large loan?

Now that you know how to get a loan from a bank, it's worth considering whether this type of contract is worthwhile.

To do this, you need to analyze the cause of your desire for money. A large loan is usually recommended for those who need to repair a house, pay off large debts or buy a property, or a vehicle such as a motorcycle.

Next, determine whether you can currently afford the loan installments. Therefore, do extensive research, make simulations and select a loan that suits your budget.

Obtaining a high-value loan will unquestionably pay off after all this attention.

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