Online personal loan BV: Quick and easy way to get extra cash


BV is one of the largest companies in the sector in Brazil, and also has alliances with financial institutions established in Latin America. And it sees the need to offer a BV online personal loan in the most difficult of times or to make a dream come true.

BV's online personal loan is a quick and easy way for those who need extra money, without the need to justify the loan request, just to be approved during the credit analysis carried out by the BV Financeira institution.


As a digital bank, BV has lower interest rates than other credit lines on the market.

All this to guarantee the best customer service. Check out everything about a BV online personal loan and find out how to apply in a practical way!


Get to know the BV personal loan

BV is a fintech, i.e. a digital 100% bank, which aims to provide its customers with ease, agility and convenience in credit analysis.

The minimum amount requested is R$ 500.00 and up to 2 times the gross monthly income determined in the credit analysis, and the maximum amount is limited to R$ 20 thousand.

The BV loan can be applied for by anyone over the age of 18 who has the loan approved after an analysis according to the bank's criteria.

The payment terms are fixed and do not change over time. Best of all, you can choose how you want to pay: by post-dated check or account debit.

Positive points of the BV online personal loan

Discover the strengths of the BV online personal loan that make it an excellent credit option:

  • You choose how you want to pay the installments;
  • The loan installments are fixed;
  • Loan repayment period of 3 to 24 months;
  • Waiting time of 15 to 45 days for the requested amount to be paid.

Conditions for taking out a BV personal loan

The BV online personal loan does not have a specific profile, you just need to be over 18 to apply for it. The release of the loan only depends on BV's analysis.

See below for more information on the terms of the loan:

  • Loan amount: from R$ 500 to R$ 20 thousand;
  • Payment period: from 6 to 24 months;
  • Monthly payment amount: maximum 30% of gross revenue;
  • Payment by check or debit.

Documents required to take out a BV loan

Documents for credit analysis:

  1. ID and CPF or CNH;
  2. Proof of residence;
  3. Proof of Income.



Limits between R$300 and R$1500 available!

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In the case of payment by debit, a minimum of 1 year on the account for employees and 2 years for the self-employed.

Documents to prove account time:

  • 2 bank statements, one old and one recent;
  • Check sheet;
  • Bank card showing the length of time you have held the account and 2 proofs of income, one with the current date and the other from 1 year ago.

How to apply for a BV personal loan online?

If you are looking for a personal loan and are interested in BV's online loan, follow the step-by-step instructions to get a personal loan:

  1. Start applying for your BV personal loan with the amount you want. BV helps you choose the best credit conditions, installment amount, interest rate and term. Click here to start the hiring process.
  2. You will then have to provide the documents requested and BV will analyze your financial situation to check that the credit requested matches your profile;
  3. Once the requested credit has been approved, you sign the contract and the credit will be deposited in your account in cash for you to use as you wish.

Remember that fees are paid in any way you like: by debit or check.

My credit application wasn't approved, what now?

If the amount requested is not approved, the bank can offer the client a lower pre-approved amount and, if they wish to continue with the loan, the analysis is approved and the funds released.

In other words, after approval, the amount will be credited to your account on the same day according to the payment method chosen.

Is it worth applying for a BV personal loan?

BV offers very attractive rates for its clients, payment terms that are compatible with the market, allows quick credit analysis, but the loan amount is limited to just 2 times the client's gross monthly income.

On the other hand, it promises a "bureaucracy-free analysis", which is not very clear when referring to the documents requested to prove the payment method chosen by the customer.

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BV online credit contacts

If you are interested in a BV personal loan and have any questions about the service, please contact the Bank:

  • Customer service - 3003 7728 (capitals and metropolitan regions)
  • 0800 777 2828 (other locations) 24 hours a day, every day.
  • SAC - 0800 728 0083
  • Ombudsman - 0800 707 0083

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