New Daycoval Consignado card with no annual fee - Find out more!


It's good to get more information about the Daycoval Consignado card if you're considering this product when weighing up your options in this area. And Meu Credito Digital has created a specific guide to help you with this analysis so that you can make the best possible choice.

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Daycoval Consigned Card: How does it work?

The Daycoval Consignado card is a credit card with lower interest rates and more accessible services, developed specifically for INSS retirees and pensioners.

The bill payment mechanism is the main feature that sets this product apart from other cards. Unlike traditional services, the debit is applied immediately to the cardholder's pension or social security income.


As the discount is offered directly for the benefit of the customer, it is generally easier to use the card, as there is less risk of default and a greater likelihood of approval. In addition, only certain groups of consumers are allowed to order the goods as a result of this automatic deduction. The company has to work with the bank to allow this debit.

Advantages available with the Daycoval card

It is essential to understand the advantages that Daycoval's payroll card service can bring to your profile if you are looking for one and thinking of using it.

Find out more about the advantages of this choice here:

  • (Inter)national coverage.
  • Exemption from annual membership fees
  • Without consulting Serasa and SPC.
  • Lower interest rates and fees.
  • Involvement in the Mastercard Surprieenda promotion.

Who is the card offered to?

The Daycoval Consignado card is now only available to:

  • INSS pensioners;
  • Civil servants.

Finally, Daycoval focuses its services on this public and only serves ordinary clients of this type.

How do I apply for a Daycoval Consignado card online?

You should already have some documents that are considered in the analysis for approval to submit your application. See below:

  • CPF;
  • Benefit/Matriculation number;
  • Proof of residence.

Daycoval Consigned Credit Card

New credit card with no annual fee from Banco Daycoval. Apply without leaving home!

(You will be transferred to the request page)

In addition, information such as your cell phone number and e-mail address will be required. Once your application has been completed, the bank will analyze it, and you will be able to follow the development of your proposal via the website using the same information you sent when you applied.

Direct online submissions via the Daycoval Bank are available for both requesting and responding to proposals. For more information, please contact the Relationship Center 3004 5300 for other locations or 0800 721 5300 for capitals and metropolitan regions.

Fees and charges levied on the card

Find out more about the possible fees for the Daycoval Consignado card:

  • Annual fee: Free
  • Revolving interest: 4.55% per month
  • Invoice installments: None
  • Issuing a duplicate card: R$ 36.33
  • Credit withdrawal: R$ 18.17
  • Payment of bills by credit card: R$ 16.00 per transaction

Is it worth getting a Banco Daycoval card?

Finally, the customer can question whether the service is excellent after learning more about the card and its features. As it takes each customer's wishes and preferences into account, this assessment is based mainly on their own perceptions. It is therefore crucial to first specify your needs and what the resource should provide for your profile in order to determine whether the service is worthwhile.

This solution can offer a high quality service, seeking the best cost-benefit ratio and facilitating the day-to-day life of the pensioner. As well as being managed by a company specializing in this line of credit, the service is useful and offers customers some attractive advantages.

A payroll card can help with the holder's financial management, but it is essential that it is affordable and free of unnecessary costs. In this situation, it is essential to evaluate the operating rates of this alternative, as they can have an impact on your analysis.

In general, the Daycoval payroll card is a good option, but it's important to find out more about the service before you choose it. This way, you can enjoy all the advantages of this credit and have more freedom to control your spending.

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