FGTS loan: Caixa releases up to 5 years' worth of anniversary savings in advance


Due to a tarnished reputation or a negative CPF, many people are unable to obtain loans when they have an urgent need for funds. In these cases, anticipating the annual withdrawal from the FGTS (Severance Indemnity Fund) may be the solution.

Caixa Econômica Federal allows you to advance up to five payments of the annual withdrawal that you are entitled to receive in the month of your birthday. The monthly interest rate is 1.49%.


Read also: How to access a Bcredi loan - Step by step!

FGTS loan for birthday withdrawals: How does it work?

The advance is available to all customers with a linked FGTS account, active or inactive, who have the option of an anniversary withdrawal through one of the channels provided by Caixa, have a Caixa account (savings or current) and do not have a loan in default with Caixa.


Limit of balance bands (in R$)RateAdditional instalment (in R$)
Up to 500,0050,0%-
From 500.01 to 1,000.0040,0%50,00
From 1,000.01 to 5,000.0030,0%150,00
From 5,000.01 to 10,000.0020,0%650,00
From 10000,01 to 15.000,0015,0%1150,00
From 15,000.01 to 20,000.0010,0%1.900,00
Over 20,000.015,0%2.900,00

It's important to remember that people who stick to the anniversary withdrawal lose the opportunity to withdraw their entire FGTS account balance if they are terminated for any reason.

Therefore, if you are terminated, you will only receive a 40% fine in addition to the amount deposited by your employer.

Advantages of anticipating the FGTS anniversary withdrawal

  • Quick and simple: instant access to the resource, without having to wait until the Annual Withdrawal date;
  • One of the lowest interest rates among commercial credit products;
  • Possibility of anticipating up to five (5) annual payments of the FGTS Anniversary Draw;
  • There are no monthly instalments, so your monthly budget is not compromised by instalments;
  • The debt is paid off with the value of your FGTS Anniversary Drawing on the day of the annual payment for the modality;
  • No endorsement or credit risk assessment is required.

Requirements for anticipating FGTS

  • Be at least 18 years old or legally independent;
  • Have a CAIXA current or savings account (except for Poupança Social Digital and Poupança CAIXA Fácil);
  • Opt for the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal and allow CAIXA to access your FGTS data;
  • Have an adequate FGTS balance for advance payment within the minimum contract values;
  • Be up to date with the Internal Revenue Service;
  • Comply with CAIXA or use credit resources to settle the obligation.

How can I anticipate my birthday present?

After registering in Birthday bag of the FGTS:

  1. Access your FGTS account via the FGTS APP or the CAIXA FGTS website;
  2. Allow CAIXA to consult your FGTS and consult your FGTS> Main> Authorise Financial Institutions> Annual Withdrawal Loan> Financial Institutions> choose CAIXA> and click Confirm;
  3. You can check the amounts of your Anniversary Withdrawal using the FGTS APP or the CAIXA FGTS website.
  4. Then use IBC - CAIXA Internet Banking and Mobile or go to a CAIXA branch.

If you select Internet Banking:

  1. Click on the Credit option > choose "Birthday loan advance" to reveal two buttons: "Simulate" and "Hire".
  2. Clicking on the Simulate button will display the total amount of the loan, including the daily balance;
  3. Confirm your registration details, review the remaining information, enter your electronic password and confirm to send your request.
  4. The contract is confirmed and the stipulated amount is credited to the client's account the next day, as soon as the FGTS blocks the amount.

If you choose the CAIXA Tem App, you have the following options:

  1. Using your CPF and password, you can access the application.
  2. By selecting the "Loan Anniversary" option, the simulation will be given based on the time remaining in the day.
  3. Click on Hire to continue to the finalisation stage or click on Change Simulation to generate new values.
  4. After the simulation, it analyses and approves the terms and conditions of the operation.
  5. To finalise the deal, enter your CAIXA Tem password.
  6. The contract is confirmed and the stipulated amount is credited to the client's account the next day, as soon as the FGTS blocks the amount.

How do I check the amount available for withdrawal?

Customers must have access to their FGTS accounts and be able to carry out credit simulations at CAIXA branches and via Internet banking.

FGTS withdrawal anniversary calendar

This week, Caixa Econômica Federal made the FGTS anniversary withdrawal available to a new group of workers, who will be able to withdraw part of their balances from active and inactive Guarantee Fund accounts.

Those born in July can already withdraw their FGTS on their birthday this month. They will be able to withdraw their funds until September.

  • Born in January - withdrawn during the months of January to March
  • Born in February - withdrawals from February to April
  • Born in March - withdrawal from March to May
  • Born in April - withdrawals in April, May and June
  • Born in May; withdrawals between May and July
  • Born in June; withdrawals between June and August
  • Born in July; withdrawals from July to September
  • Born in August; withdrawals between August and October
  • birth in September; pillaging from September to November
  • Born in October - withdrawals from October to December
  • Born during the month of November - From November 2021 to January 2022, withdrawals are made.
  • born in December; withdrawals from December 2021 to February 2022
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