Consigned Loan Card: Security and Exclusive Advantages!


Nowadays, many people are looking for credit options that are more accessible and advantageous, and one of the alternatives available on the market is the Empresta payroll card. This type of card offers a number of advantages for those looking for a safer form of credit with lower interest rates.

In this article, we'll explain what the Empresta payroll card is, how it works and what its main advantages are.


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Empresta payroll card: how does it work?

The Empresta payroll card is a type of credit card that is offered to retirees, INSS pensioners and civil servants.


Image: Empresta

The big difference between this type of card and others is that the instalments on a payroll card are deducted directly from the customer's pay slip, which makes the credit more secure and with lower interest rates.

The card's limit is set according to the customer's income and the instalments are fixed, which makes it easier to control expenses. In addition, the Empresta payroll card has an international flag, which allows it to be used all over the world.

What are the advantages of the Empresta card?

The Empresta payroll card offers several advantages over other credit cards available on the market. Here are some of the main advantages of this type of card:

  1. Lower interest rates: as the instalments of the payroll card are deducted directly from the customer's payroll, the interest rates are lower than for conventional credit cards.
  2. Limit set according to income: the card limit is set according to the customer's income, which makes it easier to control expenses and avoid excessive debt.
  3. Fixed instalments: the instalments on the Empresta payroll card are fixed, which makes financial planning easier and avoids unpleasant surprises at the end of the month.
  4. No SPC or Serasa enquiries: as the card's instalments are deducted directly from the payroll, there is no need to consult the SPC and Serasa, which makes it easier to obtain the card.
  5. International flag: The Empresta payroll card has an international flag, which allows it to be used all over the world.

How do I apply for an Empresta payroll card?

To apply for the Empresta payroll card, you need to be a pensioner or a civil servant.

You need to go to one of the Empresta units with your personal documents, proof of residence, proof of income and a bank statement.

Once the documents have been analysed, the card limit is set and the customer can start using the card.

How does the Empresta card bill work?

The Empresta payroll card invoice is sent monthly to the customer's address and can also be consulted online or via the Empresta app.

In addition, the card Empresta has some special features compared to conventional cards.

This is because the purchase instalments are deducted directly from the salary or benefit received by the customer, automatically and without the need for payment by boleto or account debit.

In this way, the card bill usually shows information such as the total amount of the bill, the amount of the instalments deducted from the salary or benefit, the due date and the limit available for new purchases.

It is important to note that, as it is a payroll card, the Empresta invoice cannot be paid by bank slip or account debit.

The amount of the instalments is automatically deducted from the customer's salary or benefit, thus avoiding the risk of delays or forgetfulness.

If you want to see the detailed invoice for your Empresta card, you can access it via the company's website or app. This document shows all the purchases made, the amounts of the instalments and the due dates.


In conclusion, the Empresta Card is an interesting option for those looking for a secure, low-interest credit alternative.

With its exclusive advantages, such as the possibility of applying for a credit card for pensioners and civil servants, as well as the convenience of paying the bill and the possibility of paying in up to 12 instalments, it is an excellent choice for those who want to have a credit card without worrying about abusive fees.

It's worth remembering that it's always important to maintain good financial planning and use your card consciously to avoid problems with debt.

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