Olé Payroll Loan: Money in your hand simply and quickly!


The Olé Consigned Loan is one of the most advantageous options for those who need money quickly and safely. It works in a simple way and is aimed at retirees, pensioners, civil servants and employees of private companies that are members of the programme.

In this article, we'll explain how the loan works, its advantages over other credit options, interest rates and payment terms, how to apply quickly and safely, the documentation required, whether it's possible to get a loan for people with bad credit, how to use it to pay off debts and organise your finances, and testimonials from satisfied customers.


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How does the Olé Payroll Loan work and who can apply?

Olé Consignado credit works in a simple way: the payment is deducted directly from the applicant's payroll, even before they receive the money in their bank account. In this way, the risk of default is lower, which is reflected in lower interest rates than other types of credit.


Image: Olé Consignado

To apply for a loan, you need to be a pensioner with the INSS, a civil servant (federal, state or municipal) or an employee of a private company. In addition, the company or public body to which the applicant is linked must have signed a contract with Olé Consignado to offer the loan.

Advantages of the Olé Consigned Loan over other credit options

One of the main advantages of the Olé Payroll Loan is the security it offers both the applicant and the financial institution. As the payment is made directly into the payroll, the chances of default are reduced, which is reflected in lower interest rates compared to other credit options.

In addition, the Olé Consignado Loan has longer payment terms and lower instalments, making it easier to pay off and less of an impact on the family budget.

Olé Consignado Loan interest rates and payment terms

The interest rates on the Olé Payroll Loan are very competitive compared to other types of credit. They vary according to the organisation or company, the amount requested and the payment period, but are generally below 2% per month.

Payment terms are also very flexible. They vary according to the applicant's age and the type of loan, but in general they can reach 84 months for pensioners and 96 months for civil servants.

How do I apply for an Olé loan quickly and safely?

You can apply for an Olé Consignado Loan quickly and securely via the Olé Consignado Loan website. Olé website Consigned or by telephone by contacting the company's call centre.

On the website, the applicant must fill in a form with their personal details, information about their income and the company or public body to which they are linked. Once the documentation has been analysed, Olé Consignado will inform you whether the loan has been approved and the amount and payment period offered.

Documentation required to apply for credit

The documentation required to apply for an Olé Consignado Loan varies according to the type of loan and the organisation or company that has signed up. In general, documents such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and payslip or pay statement are requested.

Olé loan for the unemployed: is it possible to get it?

Unfortunately, the Olé Consignado Loan is not available to those with a negative credit rating, since the modality requires payment to be made directly into the payroll. However, there are other credit options that may be more suitable for those with a bad name, such as a loan with property or vehicle guarantees.

How can I use a loan to pay off debts and organise my finances?

The Olé loan can be a great option for those who want to pay off debts or organise their finances. As the interest rates are lower and the payment periods longer, it's possible to replace more expensive debts with a single, more affordable instalment.

However, it's important to exercise caution and not get into more debt than necessary. Before applying for a loan, it's essential to do some financial planning to find out exactly how much money you need and how soon you can pay it back without jeopardising your family budget.


In conclusion, the Olé Payroll Loan can be an excellent option for those who need money quickly and safely. With competitive interest rates, flexible payment terms and the security of direct payroll deduction, it can be a smart solution for carrying out your projects and organising your finances.

However, before applying for a loan, it's important to carefully assess your financial needs and plan your finances. In addition, it is essential to research and compare the rates and conditions offered by other financial institutions in order to ensure that you are getting the best credit option available.

Finally, remember that the Olé Consignado Loan is only available to retirees, INSS pensioners and civil servants. If you have a negative credit rating or work for a private company, there are other credit options that may be better suited to your needs.

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