Pj loan: Interesting financial resource for companies


Every company needs financial resources at some point. Whether it's to modernise operations, expand the business or purchase equipment, this service is one of the most common ways of raising money. Understand how it works and what the guidelines are for a PJ loan and find out how to obtain this service through an online simulation and the best cost-benefit ratio.

Types of companies

To act as a legal entity, you need to be registered with the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ).


This is how the IRS identifies and monitors the financial activities of companies operating in Brazil.

The type of CNPJ indicates the structure of your company, especially in terms of the number of partners and employees.


The purpose, i.e. the company's main activity, also determines the type of registration.

You can therefore apply for a loan for companies in the following groups:

LTDA Company

This form of company ensures that the company is documented in the articles of association.

The company's liability is limited, since the activities between the partners are regulated by contract.

The articles of association regulate other things that affect the company's financial activities.

This means that you predict how much each partner will invest and what responsibilities each partner with a PJ loan will have.

In this context, the Data Request for this service must be processed in accordance with the company's administrative instructions.

It is worth emphasising that responsibility must be shared by all partners.

This means that everyone should know all the companies involved in business administration.

Sociedade Anônima - S.A.

This type of company is formed by a group of shareholders. As such, they do not have a "fixed seat" in the company, but freely traded shares.

A company, or S.A., is in most cases managed by a professional from outside the shareholder structure.

He is elected at a meeting of the Board of Directors and by vote.

In this context, the fiduciary agent is the one who negotiates the PJ loan, since they are responsible for the company's financial flow.

Individual Micro Entrepreneur - MEI

MEI is aimed at small businesses. This modality requires that turnover be limited to 60,000 reais per year.

Micro Empreendedor Individual - Meu Crédito DigitalAs formalising a company requires registration with the CNPJ, the owner can apply for a PJ loan.

Individual Limited Liability Company - EIRELI

In general, EIRELI means a company in which one person holds 100% the financial and administrative power.

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What is a business loan?

The loan is related to a service offered by banks or finance companies. A company intended as a legal entity has the freedom to use the money by investing in the purchase of goods or the hire of services.

Before applying for a loan, the company must assess what the money is for. This guarantees an ideal calculation of the amount needed.

The ability to measure the exact value of the loan guarantees that the total cost of the service will not exceed the planned investment.

In this context, it's important that the business loan is part of the company's business plan. This means that the document must include the source of the funds and a budget forecast for financial expenses.

How to take out a business loan?

Generally, the lending bank asks for a series of documents to be assessed.

The institution uses this procedure to measure the risk of default and payment capacity.

In other words, the banks or lenders assess the business project in more detail.

Thanks to this, they will know whether the company will be able to repay the loan and all its obligations.

Business Plan

This document is used to demonstrate the financial viability of the notified project. Thanks to it, banks can analyse the financial forecasts in relation to the term of the loan. In short, the bank checks that the company is financially sustainable.

Balance Sheet

Thanks to it, the bank has access to the company's real situation. It makes it possible to analyse the company's financial situation in order to identify debts and income.

Banks usually ask for a balance for the last three years. Thanks to this, they can assess the results of the last few years before issuing the PJ loan.

Articles of Association

Through this document, the financial institution can obtain a broad overview of the company's development.

It includes information related to products and services, the nature of the business and other matters.

Trial Balance

Cash flow data is identified in this document. The income statement for the year (DRE) must be attached.

Other documents

Financial institutions also request a partner registration form as well as a legal entity registration form.

Part of the documentation required is also the list of Bank Debts and the Fleet List.

How do I choose the best loan option for my company?

If you are registered with the National Register of Legal Entities and want to apply for a loan, you must take into account all the information you have provided so far.

Make a good analysis of your company's financial situation before taking out the service. It's also important that you consider the total effective cost (T.E.C.) of the loan.

This includes interest rates, taxes, insurance, contract and registration fees, administration fees and other elements that determine the final value of each term.

These amounts depend, among other things, on your company's profile, the risks of default and the policies of each financial institution.

This means that interest rates, for example the number of instalments, can vary from bank to bank.

So, to find the most profitable loan for your company, make sure you can apply for this service online.

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