Need to Negotiate Debts? See How To Do It Online At Meu Acerto!


Are you thinking of resolving your financial worries online? Determine if Meu Acerto is a safe site for this.

Many Brazilians fantasise about getting out of debt and regaining control of their finances. If this is the case, you should know that it is possible to make transactions with companies over the internet.


Through platforms such as Meu Acerto, customers can sign agreements with partner institutions, draw up proposals to settle their obligations and thus get out of the red.

But is this business safe? Also, how to register and propose a negotiation?


Check out the article and see if the portal is reliable for entering your information and paying off your debts.

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Understand how Meu Acerto works

My Settlement is an easy-to-use tool for resolving financial disputes with partner companies.

Image: My Hit

Enquiry by CPF:

The first step is to register your CPF on the Meu Acerto website so that the company can identify your active debts.

If you don't already have an account on the platform, the site will show you how to enter your information, register (which we explain below) and use all the features.

Consult debts:

Once you have registered your account and CPF number, you can view your active debts.

Then you can choose the debt you want to pay off and proceed to analyse and select the conditions that make the most sense for you.

Send proposal:

Once you've selected your debt, you'll discover pre-built trading options; simply read the terms and proceed.

But if none of the alternatives make sense, just scroll down a little and select the Simulate option. There, you can choose the payment instalments you can afford.

Certain loans allow you to pay part of the bill and negotiate the remaining balance.

Evaluation of the proposal:

Meu Acerto presents its offer to the organisation holding the debt immediately after making its proposal. If approved, simply follow the final steps of the negotiation and start paying.

If you are refused, you can try alternative suggestions on the website, which Meu Acerto even provides for you.

How to register with Meu Acerto: Step by step

Now that you know that Meu Acerto is a secure site and amicable, you should register to renegotiate your outstanding assets.

Then follow these instructions:

  1. First, enter your CPF;
  2. Then register by providing your details and e-mail address;
  3. Validate your e-mail address;
  4. Then take a look at the various trading options on the platform;
  5. Put together a cost-effective proposal;
  6. Send the idea to the organisation and wait for approval;
  7. Once your proposal has been accepted, simply download the payment forms and send in your payment!

This procedure takes around five minutes to complete and you can have your name cleared at the institution within five working days.

What are the benefits of using My Hit?

Meu Acerto stands out in the market for the benefits it offers its customers:

  • The service is available more quickly and easily and is completely digital, allowing users to view proposals at any time.
  • The debt negotiation approach cuts down on bureaucracy and superfluous processes, thus reducing the number of awkward interactions, such as phone calls, made in an attempt to reach an agreement.
  • The customer can choose the payment method, payment terms and the amount of the instalments and also get discounts at partner institutions.
  • Many companies clear a consumer's name within a few working days, allowing them to regain access to goods and financial services.
  • The platform's service is available 24 hours a day, with professional staff to assist users and a user-friendly system for reviewing debts and submitting ideas.

Does it make sense to negotiate debts with Meu Acerto?

The first step to regaining access to credit and financial management is to negotiate the debt. The advice of a company like Meu Acerto is noteworthy in this regard.

Users are free to specify their own circumstances and receive adaptable and rapid responses.

In addition, the partnerships offer consumers exclusive discounts and facilities in the event of default.

Although the platform does not cover the debts of all banks and service providers, its catalogue includes industry leaders and promotes communication between creditors and debtors.

That's why it's worth looking into Meu Acerto if you have debts with any of our partner institutions and want to settle your accounts. This will allow you to regularise your situation in a simpler and less bureaucratic way, as well as having special advantages and terms to suit your profile.

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