Credit Resources to Open a Business with Santander - Learn How to Apply


Anyone wishing to start a business must have initial financing and sufficient funds to sustain operations in the first few years.

Although this is the ideal situation, it's not the reality for most people who dream of owning their own business, and a loan can be a practical way of making the goal a reality.


However, every credit solution must be analysed, and many first-time entrepreneurs make the mistake of not carrying out thorough preparation. This leads to the use of amounts that are above or below the required payment amounts, or even unpayable.

Before taking out a loan, it is essential to evaluate the factors discussed in this article.


I don't have the financial resources to launch my business. What should I do?

An entrepreneur can take some steps to prepare their company for a loan before choosing to apply for one.

Starting a business at the lowest possible cost is a brilliant concept. Is it acceptable? Imagine you want to set up a restaurant, but you don't have the resources needed to run a fully staffed business.

Start with private functions, such as a wedding party. This way you can test the kitchen model, identify any flaws and get feedback on the meals...

The loan can be used if, after completing all the tests, you determine that your business is ready to be presented to the public and only requires an initial investment. However, bear in mind that the company's existence will begin with an additional payment, the credit payment.

This requires more sales and revenue to cover expenses. Many companies with excellent products and services fail due to poor financial management.

Credit to Start a Business Santander Online - Photo: Reproduction / Santander

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What information do I need before I can get a loan?

  1. Make a plan:

The first step is to know what you need, to evaluate and document all your costs from now on, to understand the capital inflow in the first year, to understand the market and the competition and to know all the fixed expenses that the business will incur, among other fundamental details.

This information will make it easier to understand the type and amount of the ideal loan you want.

Oh, and it's usually a good idea to project the average future and make sure that the amount of the instalment matches your company's financial reality.

Add an emergency reserve to the account, which can be withdrawn from the loan if necessary.

  1. Recognise the types of credit:

Each type of loan offers unique advantages and benefits, as well as features that may not meet your needs. In other words, before taking out a loan, you should be aware of the possibilities that match your profile.

Once you have agreed on the payment method, look for the financial institution that offers the most favourable conditions.

At Santander, the Personal Loan is on the rise among people who want to become entrepreneurs, as the funds are sent quickly to your account and you have up to 72 months to repay the loan.

In fact, Santander offers account holders and non-account holders a range of financial solutions that can help you achieve your goals.

Is it worth taking out a loan to start a business?

Additional funds are always appreciated, especially when setting up a company from scratch.

This funding opens up many opportunities for your business, removing the financial barrier that was holding back your ideas.

The funds can be used to purchase equipment, train staff and pay for the acquisition of real estate.

However, the benefits of the loan will only be realised if proper care and preparation are carried out.

Pronampe Santander: Credit for companies

Pronampe Santander can be an attractive option for financing your company's growth and expansion. However, to make an application, you need to be aware of specific details and data.

Even with few qualifications, Pronampe can help small and micro businesses reorganise their finances, as this was one of the sectors hardest hit by the epidemic.

To help you better understand how this business loan works, we'll describe its main features, the maximum amount you can apply for and the application process.

Advantages of Pronampe credit at Santander

With Santander's Pronampe, you have access to loans with more flexible terms and cheaper interest rates than most on the market.

You get credit with annual interest of 6% plus the Selic rate. In addition, you can receive up to 48 payments with a 6-month grace period.

So, if you apply for a loan, pay in 35 instalments and request a grace period of 5 months, you'll have access to the funds immediately after signing the contract, but you won't start making payments for another 5 months, giving you 30 months to pay off the debt.

One of the main benefits of this service is that it is IOF-free and has no contracting costs.

How do I take out a loan?

Are you interested in Pronampe Santander? To do this, you need the following:

  1. Visit the e-CAC and enter the CNPJ account details or of the company;
  2. Then select the "Company billing" option;
  3. Enter the CNPJ and the calendar year of the current year;
  4. Choose the period during which the bank can access your company's essential data;
  5. Select your chosen bank (Santander in this example) and confirm;
  6. The portal phase is complete;
  7. Apply for this form of financing through Santander's Corporate Internet Banking.

Who can access the loan?

As of the second phase of the programme, the MEI loan is also accessible.

You can then request it:

  • Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) - remembering that this group is limited to an annual gross income of up to R$ 81 thousand;
  • Micro-enterprises with an annual turnover of up to R$ 360 thousand;
  • Small businesses with annual gross revenue of up to R$ 4.8 million.

How much can you borrow from Pronampe through Santander?

According to the terms of the programme, each CNPJ can seek up to 30% of its annual gross revenue disclosed in 2022, with a maximum request limit of R$ 150,000.

Assuming your company generated R$ 250,000, 30% of that amount equals R$ 75,000. So you can get a credit line of up to R$ 75,000 from Pronampe Santander.

Finally, assuming that your gross annual income was R$ 3 million, 30% of that amount would be R$ 900,000, exceeding the maximum application limit. In this case, you can apply for a loan of up to R$ 150,000.

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